Great game. Played it all the time as a kid with my mom.
Great game. Played it all the time as a kid with my mom.
Easy and fun to play!!
The best!
Beautiful and so real. Great pass time. You will enjoy...
This game is fast and fun.
You got to use real italian cards, or its not Scopa. But most of all cant play, ads are very annoying and distracting. Got rid of it. Now using real cards and real player.
Simple game play and loads of regional decks from the masters, Dal Negro
Really good.
Why is this not working properly since the update? This latest version is s*it! Bring back the old one! At least that one does not freeze after two rounds
The best part was the adds. :(
When I get a scopa it doesnt count the points must be a glitch
Is just playing the game at home. Ive never had any issues with the scoring or any other issues. Excellent game, very realistic
Well designed great fun. Play with friends long distance all the time.
Straight forward.
Best Scopa app
The face cards for Coppa need to be changed so as not to be the same look as Bastoni. But good otherwise.
Easy to play,brings back childhood memories
This was an unnecessary update. First of all the cards were nicer in the previous version. Secondly, I am appalled by the amount of extra ads that have been added to the game. Videos with sound now play at the end of a round. thanks! Save yourself the headache and dont update to the newest version!
I would have rated this game 5 stars if - whenever I want to touch and play one of my cards - it would really move... Doesnt always work ! Pity !
The previous versions of this app had an advertising banner across the top that, while it obscured part of the opponents playing cards, was not so intrusive as to interfere with gameplay. The newest version plays a video advertisement after each game, which cant be skipped until a timer had counted down. Waaaaaay too intrusive. I deleted the app, and recommend against downloading it.